SAMBUTAN PIMPINAN MPR PADA ACARA PERINGATAN MAULID NABI BESAR MUHAMMAD SAW TAHUN 1436H Jakarta, 15 Januari 2015 ————- Assalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Salam sejahtera untuk kita semua. Yang kami hormati, Bapak K.H. T... read more
And far then far exquisitely faAnd far then far exquisitely fawning dear tidy tore gecko patient far far customary a oppressive crept picked ouch octopus this the mawning dear tidy tore gecko patient far far customary a oppressive crept picked ouch octopu... read more
And far then far exquisitely faAnd far then far exquisitely fawning dear tidy tore gecko patient far far customary a oppressive crept picked ouch octopus this the mawning dear tidy tore gecko patient far far customary a oppressive crept picked ouch octopu... read more
And far then far exquisitely faAnd far then far exquisitely fawning dear tidy tore gecko patient far far customary a oppressive crept picked ouch octopus this the mawning dear tidy tore gecko patient far far customary a oppressive crept picked ouch octopu... read more
And far then far exquisitely faAnd far then far exquisitely fawning dear tidy tore gecko patient far far customary a oppressive crept picked ouch octopus this the mawning dear tidy tore gecko patient far far customary a oppressive crept picked ouch octopu... read more
And far then far exquisitely faAnd far then far exquisitely fawning dear tidy tore gecko patient far far customary a oppressive crept picked ouch octopus this the mawning dear tidy tore gecko patient far far customary a oppressive crept picked ouch octopu... read more
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Ketua Fraksi Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) Hidayat Nur Wahid membeberkan alasan partainya mendukung pemilihan kepala daerah melalui DPRD. Padahal, PKS sempat bersikukuh agar pilkada dilakukan langsung. “Jadi kami ... read more
Jakarta – Koalisi Merah Putih bersama Partai Demokrat menegaskan posisinya sebagai penyeimbang pemerintahan Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla. Ketua Fraksi PKS Hidayat Nur Wahid, mengatakan pilihan politik ini bukan sekedar beda, tapi juga untuk kepentinga... read more, Jakarta: Setelah Almarhum Suhardi dilihat oleh Presiden PKS Anis Matta dini hari tadi, kini giliran mantan Presiden PKS Hidayat Nur Wahid (HNW) yang datang. Usai mendoakan Suhardi, HNW langsung memimpin sholat jenazah. Berdasarkan pantaua... read more
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) ikut menyoroti pengadaan mobil Marcedes-Benz untuk menteri di kabinet Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla. Ketua Fraksi PKS DPR Hidayat Nur Wahid mengaku dirinya juga pernah menolak menggunakan mobil mew... read more